Patient Participation Group

Pinehill Patient Participation Group was formed a few years ago. It is a group run by patients for patients on a voluntary basis. The group currently consists of several patients and the Practice Manager. Pinehill PPG meets once every 2 months.

Its aims are:

  • To promote self help as a process to enable patients to develop a mutual interest in their primary health care at the surgery.
  • To provide grass roots forums in the community for patients, carers and health service staff which will have benefits for all.
  • Encourage effective communication between patients and health professionals.

It has been involved in:

  • Attending stakeholder meetings at the Chase Hospital
  • Liaising with practice and producing newsletter for surgery.

The PPG is currently looking for new members to join the group

PPG Sign Up

Date of Birth
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Your Age
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?